Our Team of Publishing Professionals

Self-publishing your book is most definitely not an easy path, but you don’t have to make the journey all by yourself. We will help you here at Primix Publishing. We’ll guide you throughout every step: from preparing your work for publication all the way to marketing it.

Ready to know your team? Meet the people you’ll be working with in the infographic below.

Primix Publishing

Our Team of Publishing Professionals

Know the people who will help you publish your book

Here at Primix Publishing, we can help you achieve your dream of becoming an author.
Our goal is for you to be in total control of the book publishing process, from the pre-writing phase to post-publication, and help you achieve success through masterful marketing services we provide. But who are we, exactly?
Learn more about the people and the processes involved in the publication process and promotion.
Ready to know your team? Meet the people you’ll be working with in the infographic below.

The Process

Primix Publishing Team

Primix Publishing

Publishing Consultant

Your initial guide on your self-publishing journey. The Publishing Consultant provides information about our different publishing packages and helps you choose the best one that will suit your needs.

marketing consultant

Marketing Consultant

 The Marketing Consultant helps you choose first-rate and appropriate marketing campaign/s to reach your target audience.



Primix Publishing

Finance Team

The Finance Representative collects payments from authors through a secured line.



fulfillment team

Fulfillment Team

The Fulfillment Team collects your manuscripts or marketing campaign materials needed for production or fulfillment. They will also serve as your guide and point of contact during the publication process or during the promotion of your published books.



Primix Publishing

Design Team

The Design Team works on your cover and interior design requests, specifications, or corrections.



Primix Publishing

Editorial Team

Our Editorial Team helps polish your finished book as professionally as possible and make it as understandable to the readers.


customer support team

Customer Support Team

Our Customer Support Team answers general product and service questions and helps resolve product/service issues.



Primix Publishing


Our Encoding team creates digital files for handwritten or printed manuscripts submitted to us.



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